Dedicated to excellence in education

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NJASA Mission & Beliefs

  • The mission of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, the unifying professional association of school leaders, is to ensure a superior statewide system of education by influencing and effecting educational policy, regulations and legislation; and by maximizing the capacity and effectiveness of school leaders through professional development programs and support services. 


    We believe that NJASA Educational Leaders:

    • have a vision for education and articulate that vision to the benefit of their students and communities;
    • align the organization's purpose and values with those of its members;
    • make an essential difference in the lives of children and communities;
    • are leadership development professionals who facilitate professional growth and empowerment of others;
    • model and generate commitment to shared values;
    • attract and energize followers;
    • provide a clear sense of direction; and
    • are action oriented.

Don't Miss TECHSPO® '25

NJASA Launches Executive Coaching for NJ School Administrators

Meet NJASA Distinguished Service Award Winner 2024 Dr. Janet Fike

Membership Video Debuts!