- Feb/March 2016
EXECUTIVE VIEW: Technology and the Future of Education and WorkBy NJASA Executive Director Dr. Richard G. Bozza
NJASA Nominating Committee Releases Report
Association Immediate Past President Dr. Brian Zychowski, Chair of the Nominating Committee, has nominated a slate of NJASA Officers for the 2016-2017 Association Year.
Nominations for the NJ Special Education Administrator of the Year are due March 11th! The award, co-sponsored by NJASA, NJAPSA and the Centris Group/IEP Direct, will recognize a Special Education Administrator who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in providing services to students with disabilities and whose work reflects the highest professional and ethical standards.
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: Leadership in ActionBy NJASA President Patrick J. Fletcher, Chief Education Officer, River Dell Regional H. S.
By Dr. Kathleen W. Taylor, Chair, NJASA Curriculum & Instruction Committee and Chief Education Officer, Ocean City School District
By Beth L. Finkelstein, Esq., Assistant Association Counsel
PARTNERSHIP CORNER: Changing the Conversation: from Compliance to PracticeBy Marie M. Adair, Executive Director, NJASCD
FINANCIAL CORNER: Two Different Approaches to "Finding A Way"By NJASA Pension Consultant Mort Reinhart
COMMUNITY CORNER: Expanding the Outreach to the Community...Is the Roseland WayBy Lisa J. Gross, Chief Education Officer, Roseland School District
SARP Prepares NJ School Leaders to Take the HelmNJASA is the only professional organization that oversees the SARP (Residency) for school district administrators.
Interested in serving as an NJASA mentor for new district leaders? NJASA will be holding training for new mentors on April 18th and 19th at NJASA Headquarters. Application and registration details will be available in the coming weeks. Email the Professional Development Department at kzega@njasa.net.
NJASA is assisting in the following search:
Executive Director of the Educational Information & Resource Center (EIRC) Gloucester County - Applications will be accepted until March 1st.
"One Vision - One Voice"
The mission of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, the unifying professional association of school leaders, is to ensure a superior statewide system of education by influencing and effecting educational policy, regulations and legislation; and by maximizing the capacity and effectiveness of school leaders through professional development programs and support services.