- April/May 2016
Vision 2020 Needs Your Expertise - Our Children…Our Future!
It is time to focus our lens to reveal more specific images of the Association's Vision 2020 document. Read More!
NJ Superintendent of the Year Judith Rattner Named to AASA National Consortium
The purpose of the project is to help mitigate the impact of social barriers women face in ascending to the top leadership positions... Read More!
EXECUTIVE VIEW: NJASA's Legal Team Supports MembersBy NJASA Executive Director Dr. Richard G. Bozza
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: Vision 2020 is Our Stake in the Ground!By NJASA President Patrick J. Fletcher, Chief Education Officer, River Dell Regional H. S.
CURRICULUM CORNER: Advanced Placement: Increasing Participation Without Compromising Student PerformanceBy Stephen Genco, Chief Education Officer and Dan Baginski, Asst. Superintendent, Jackson School District
By Andrew Babiak, Esq., Assistant Association Counsel
FINANCIAL CORNER: Cost-of-Living Appeal Heard By NJ Supreme CourtBy NJASA Pension Consultant Mort Reinhart
COMMUNITY CORNER: Character and Advocacy Go Hand in Hand as Cherry Hill Schools Unite to Fight Diabetes
By Dr. Joseph Meloche, Chief Education Officer, Cherry Hill Public Schools
NJASA President Patrick Fletcher's Top Three Reasons:
Insightful Programs! Great Networking! Inspiring Keynote Speakers!
Watch for Details!
"One Vision - One Voice"
The mission of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, the unifying professional association of school leaders, is to ensure a superior statewide system of education by influencing and effecting educational policy, regulations and legislation; and by maximizing the capacity and effectiveness of school leaders through professional development programs and support services.