Governor Murphy Signs Legislation Bolstering Literacy Education for New Jersey Students
NJASA Executive Director Dr. Richard Bozza said, "...Today's endorsed legislation underscores this critical goal and introduces measures for both support and accountability to ensure its achievement."
NJSBOE Adopts an Extended Schedule for Districts to Implement the 2023 New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Mathematics
Key steps/actions • No later than September 2024, districts shall align all K-12 English Language Arts curricula and instruction to the 2023 NJSLS – ELA. • No later than September 2025, districts shall align all K-12 Mathematics curricula and instruction to the 2023 NJSLS – Mathematics.
Time to Renew Your NJASA Membership!
Membership renewal for 2024-2025 was emailed to Administrator Active Members.
Announcing the NJASA Advisory Network
NJASA has designed a network of experienced volunteers who have agreed to field questions and offer assistance, guidance, and advice to members. Read more...
NJASA Extensive Database Contains 2000+ pages of Documents Pertaining to Regionalization Initiatives in New Jersey and Elsewhere.
The database contains information and resources on: Studies and legislation pertaining to New Jersey and other places; Studies undertaken by New Jersey towns and organized by county; NJDOE historical memoranda; Scholarly articles and opinion pieces; Articles and studies related to Shared Services; General scholarly articles and historical position papers
NJASA Upcoming Events
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Watercooler Wednesday
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM NJASA Technology Committee Meeting
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Great Schools of NJ (GSNJ) Cmte. Mtg
NJASA Mission & Beliefs
The mission of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, the unifying professional association of school leaders, is to ensure a superior statewide system of education by influencing and effecting educational policy, regulations and legislation; and by maximizing the capacity and effectiveness of school leaders through professional development programs and support services.
We believe that NJASA Educational Leaders:
- have a vision for education and articulate that vision to the benefit of their students and communities;
- align the organization's purpose and values with those of its members;
- make an essential difference in the lives of children and communities;
- are leadership development professionals who facilitate professional growth and empowerment of others;
- model and generate commitment to shared values;
- attract and energize followers;
- provide a clear sense of direction; and
- are action oriented.