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  • Executive View

    Meeting Today’s Challenges  




    The new school year will be a test of every educational leader’s abilities and resolve!  Implementing curriculum and instructional strategies to help students achieve the more rigorous Common Core State Standards, gearing up technology for PARCC assessments, meeting the demands of the AchieveNJ evaluation protocols, providing staff development and just meeting the everyday expectations for higher performance will be both stimulating and challenging!

    New Jersey educational leaders know that they can count on NJASA information, professional development, guidance and services to meet their challenges this year. 

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    The September 19 NJASA Commissioner Convocation at Jackson Liberty High School affords the opportunity to Chief Education Officers to hear Chris Cerf speak about the state of New Jersey education and new policies and their implementation. 

    NJASA will provide professional development programs aligned to the NJ Professional Standards for School Leaders sponsoring one-day seminars, the New Superintendents’ and Novice Superintendents’ Academies, the 2013 Fall Workshop & Exhibition, TECHSPO 2014 and the NJASA Spring Conference.

    NJASA digital communications will update you on key issues and services when you need to know about them. Be sure to download the NJASA App to keep up to date right from your mobile device (download it now).  NJASA committees will meet throughout the year examining important issues, developing policy statements and informing members, legislators, DOE staff and the public about those issues.

    NJASA will also pursue special projects during the new academic year:  


    • Vision 2020 – NJASA leaders will continue working to update the Association vision for public education last outlined in 2007 (New Jersey Vision: World Class Schools for a Global Economy).  Please respond this month to the NJASA survey asking for your input to this important work.
    • Superintendent Evaluation - A joint NJASA/NJSBA committee will begin work examining current practice in superintendent evaluation with a goal to enhance the process for all districts.
    • Chief Education Officers will be asked to update information on merit goals to inform colleagues as they develop goals for 2014/15.

    The NJASA Legal staff will update you on changing mandates and offer advice to members on district issues encountered in meeting their diverse responsibilities.  Mort Reinhart will provide expert advice on pension matters and individual retirement planning.

    NJASA services will be available to support your work in meaningful ways.  They include: 


    • Strategic Planning – NJASA Affiliate Partner PLC Associates provides strategic planning services and highly effective data tools to NJASA members (Strategic Planning Options, Strategic Planning Tools).
    • Educator Evaluation Support – NJASA and the Educational Information and Resource Center (E.I.R.C) partner to provide educator evaluation services for school districts using the McREL or Danielson Evaluation Models (Teacher Evaluation Services).
    • Online Learning Services – NJASA and K¹² Inc., America's leading online education provider for grades K–12, present New Jersey Online Learning Services with a discount for districts with an NJASA member (New Jersey Online Learning Services).
    • Transportation – NJASA provides transportation cost savings to members through a partnership with US Coachways (US Coachways).image2
    • Policy Services – NJASA joins with NJSBA to offer policy services to school districts (Policy Services).
    • Administrative Searches – The NJASA Administrator Screening Service offers a comprehensive process from criteria setting to the selection of the final candidate (Learn More).
    • Mentoring – NJASA trains and provides mentors to those seeking standard School Administrator certification (Mentor Program). 
    • Energy Savings – NJASA partnerships provide energy savings for individuals and districts (Viridian Energy, School Energy Services, Alliance for Competitive Energy Services).


    The NJASA staff and member volunteers look forward to providing the support that you need to successfully meet the challenges of this new school year!