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  • Connecting With NJASA

    Welcome to the 2013-14 school year. As we enter a school year filled with educational change throughout the state, the Membership Committee of NJASA is focused on connecting with superintendents, encouraging district administrators to join the association, and sharing the resources available to our members.

    To connect with superintendents the Membership Committee sent out a survey link through our county representatives to help identify potential new members in each district around the state. I’m happy to report that 127 districts responded. From the responses Membership Committee representatives will personally invite potential new members to be part of the association. In addition, county representatives of the Membership Committee will personally welcome new members to NJASA with a letter sent directly to those individuals. Please feel free to contact me with the name of a district administrator who might be interested in becoming a member of NJASA.

    During the year the Membership Committee will also provide information on resources available to our members. The first resource the committee would like to make you aware of is the NJASA website at NJASA.net. On its surface, the part of the site accessible to the general public, the site provides many resources and links. You can find links to a variety of publications, professional development opportunities and legal issues facing school administrators. By logging into the site you find an additional level of resources. Here are a few you might not know about:

    *        Your membership provides you access to the contact information of colleagues from around the state.

    *       When signed into the website you also have access to an area called Colleagues’ Correspondence. This section allows NJASA members access to important correspondence between colleagues and the New Jersey Department of Education.

    *       A data bank of merit pay quantitative and qualitative goals is available to all members by using your user name and password.

    *       Relevant and timely district operations and school related information. An example is the anti-bullying reporting forms utilized by school districts around the state can also be accessed through the member site.

    The Membership Committee looks forward to expanding membership and sharing available resource with NJASA members. Feel free to contact your county membership representative with suggestions on how we can move these two initiatives forward.