
    New Jersey School Administrator Residency

    Mentor Training


    The requirements for the Standard School Administrator endorsement include a commissioner-approved residency program while employed under the Provisional School Administrator Certificate. The residency program is overseen and supervised by approved mentors, who provide individualized, collaborative and confidential support; supervise and verify each candidate’s completion of the required experiences; and meet at least monthly face-to-face with the resident. (NJAC 6A:9B-12.4)

    The NJ Department of Education (NJDOE) has assigned NJASA the responsibility to administer the NJ School Administrator Residency Program (SARP) in accordance with its requirements. Accordingly, NJASA will certify successful mentor training participants who will then be authorized to recommend standard certification for school administrator residents who satisfy the NJSARP requirements. 

    NJASA conducts periodic mentor training sessions, leading to NJDOE authorization as a mentor. To qualify for training, individuals must: 

    1. Have served a minimum of five years under the Standard School Administrator Certificate as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, or director;
    2. Be current with New Jersey policy and practice as evidenced by having been engaged in New Jersey schools for at least three of the past five years;
    3. Offer positive influence on student achievement and the use of data-driven decision making;
    4. Have demonstrated commitment to student success;
    5. Demonstrate a commitment to provide personal time and attention to a resident superintendent.

    The training program is designed to ensure that mentors will:

    Understand the certification requirements for school administrators and the critical role of the mentor in that process;
    Understand the NJSARP conceptual framework and program design; 
    Assimilate the DOE and NJASA expectations of mentors;
    Apply the 2015 Professional Standards for Educational Leaders as applied to the 11 Domains of Practice;
    Discuss criteria for high quality mentoring and roles to avoid; 
    Be familiar with resources and mentor support services; and
    Register the online profile which will be used to match with residents.

    Questions can be referred to Mark Stanwood or Kathy Zega


    Mentor Training will be held by Zoom on May 30, 2025 from 9:30 – 3. Participants will be required to complete three asynchronous activities in advance of that session, including completion of the Professional School Leadership Standards Reflection and Growth Tool. Details will be provided upon participant registration.

    Registration will be active in April, 2025.


     For information regarding mentor training, please contact Kathy Zega kzega@njasa.net or Dr. Stanwood mstanwood@njasa.net