• Delivering the Best Educational Experiences to Students   

    The partnership between CoSN, the Consortium for School Networking, and NJASA, the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, is a synergy of shared goals and a profound commitment to advancing education for the benefit of students and communities. NJASA Educational Leaders are visionary professionals who embody the essence of transformative education, aligning their purpose and values with the needs of their members. They serve as catalysts for leadership development and professional growth. CoSN, as the premier association for K-12 EdTech leaders and district administrators, offers a wealth of thought leadership resources, best practices, and advocacy tools to guide our members through the ever-evolving landscape of digital transformation. Together, this partnership promotes action-oriented solutions, attracting and energizing advocates who are passionate about delivering the best educational experiences to students throughout the state of New Jersey and beyond.

    EmpowerED Superintendent edLeader Panel Broadcast Series
    The series is co-hosted by AASA and CoSN in partnership with edWeb.net and is sponsored by ClassLink.
    Upcoming November 13, 2023, edLeader Panel Broadcast
    The next live broadcast of the CoSN / AASA EmpowerED Superintendent edLeader Panel Series, Leveraging Technology Tools to Provide Equitable Learning for ALL, airs on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Join the broadcast to hear from New Jersey’s own, Glenn Robbins, Superintendent, Brigantine Public School District, along with Dr. Susan Enfield, Superintendent, Washoe County School District, NV and Dr. Jim Roberts, Superintendent, Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation, IN, as they join in an interactive discussion around the strategies they lead and implement to “think outside the box” when it comes to ensuring districtwide equity to devices and high-speed internet both inside and outside of school. The three superintendents will share their experiences in creating a common vision to engage the broader community as partners in solving digital equity challenges. An overview of the CoSN Digital Equity Dashboard will be presented during the broadcast. Ann McMullan, CoSN Project Director for the CoSN / AASA EmpowerED Superintendents Initiative, serves as the creator/moderator of the edLeader Panel broadcast series. Free registration for the upcoming November 13, 2023 live broadcast is available at: https://home.edweb.net/webinar/supers20231113/

    October 9, 2023 edLeader Panel Broadcast Recording on the topic of Artificial Intelligence

    If you missed the recent CoSN / AASA EmpowerED Superintendent edLeader Panel broadcast, Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI: Empowering a Deeper Conversation, which aired on Monday, October 9, 2023, you are welcome to access the link to the recording at: https://home.edweb.net/webinar/supers20231009/
    In this recent broadcast Dr. Matthew Friedman, Superintendent, Quakertown Community School District, PA, Dr. Kelly May-Vollmar, Superintendent, Desert Sands Unified School District, CA, Dr. David Miyashiro, Superintendent, Cajon Valley Union School District, CA and Pete Just, Executive Director Indiana CTO Council and CoSN AI Subject Matter expert, shared the leadership strategies needed today when integrating AI and Generative AI tools in today’s teaching and learning environments.

    CoSN Resources:
    Defining Digital Equity:
    Digital Equity Toolkit:
    CoSN One-Pager on Digital Equity:
    CoSN Digital Equity Dashboard:

    CoSN One-Pager on Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI:
    Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Primer

    CoSN 2024 Annual Conference, “Leading for Innovation: At Warp Speed”
    Registration is now open for the CoSN 2024 Annual Conference, scheduled for April 8-10, 2024, in Miami, Florida. For conference and hotel information and registration links, see https://www.cosn.org/cosn2024/.

    CoSN Membership:

    If you, your school or district would like more information about joining CoSN or getting more involved with CoSN, please contact membership@cosn.org.