
    Press Release:

    Contact Anne H. Gallagher

    NJASA Director of Communications



    or Meg Finney

    Millville Public Information Officer





    Trongone Takes Helm as President of NJASA

    Millville Public Schools Superintendent Represents Chief Education Officers

    Has Remarkable Record of Improving Student Achievement

    NJASA President Trongone is available to comment on Education-Related Issues.


    Trenton, New Jersey, October 3, 2022…Tony Trongone has assumed the top spot as President of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA) for the 2022-2023 school year. He currently serves as Superintendent of the Millville Public Schools.

    NJASA President Trongone, a chief education officer with over seventeen years of administrative experience in New Jersey public schools, serves as a Commissioner for the New Jersey Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission. He was instrumental in the development of a New Jersey State Aid School Funding Formula for Military Connected Students.

    “We are pleased to have someone of Tony Trongone’s stature serving as President of NJASA. His remarkable record of improving student achievement and his demonstrated leadership abilities are a great asset to public education in our Garden State,” stated NJASA Executive Director Dr. Richard G. Bozza.

    Presiding at his first NJASA Executive Committee Meeting, President Trongone shared with his colleagues a message of concern that American public-school leaders are faced with a myriad of issues - School Safety and Violence, Staff Recruitment and Retention, Political Polarization, School Funding and Mental Health Issues.

    He said, “We know that education is just one facet in our society. And, as such NJASA can serve as a valuable source of strength, consolation, and wisdom, when needed to help navigate the the challenging issues we face.”

    In continuing with NJASA’s long and proud tradition of advocating for children and assisting leaders to successfully address the significant challenges that confront them in their work, President Trongone announced the establishment of two new NJASA ad hoc committees:

    NJASA School Security/Student Safety Ad Hoc Committee - this committee will address the dangers faced in schools throughout the nation, but with particular focus on New Jersey.

    NJASA Staff Recruitment and Retention Ad Hoc Committee - this committee will focus on the serious shortage of qualified candidates for educational and support positions throughout the nation, but with particular focus on New Jersey.

    President Trongone continued, “There is always more to do – but together, we're creating opportunities for our children, and I firmly believe every student in New Jersey deserves an equal chance at success.” 

    Under his tutelage, the schools he has led have implemented:

    • A dynamic budgeting process adapting to NJSFRA, affording his school districts millions
    • Character education where 11 of his schools have earned National School of Character
    • Excellence thru Equity and Closing the Achievement Gaps Where They Exist
    • A complete revision of district policy and creation of district wide regulations
    • Scheduling changes at all educational levels which include “What I Need” (WIN) period
    • Complete update of curriculum with emphasis on digital learning resources
    • Comprehensive overhaul of district facilities and capital/SDA projects
    • Reduced class sizes at all educational levels
    • Trauma Informed Schools

    A resident of Runnemede, President Trongone earned his Master’s in Educational Administration from Wilmington University. He received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude from Rutgers College, Rutgers University. He made notable contributions to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) Mathematics Standards & Assessment Committees, which revised the 2008 format for standards across the State of New Jersey. NJASA President Trongone previously served as the Association’s Treasurer, Secretary and President-elect, before assuming his current position as the 2022-2023 President. He is a long-time trustee for the Education Services Commission of New Jersey and serves on the New Jersey Child Labor Law Enforcement Advisory Board.



    About NJASA:              
    The New Jersey Association of School Administrators is an organization of chief education officers and school administrators who lead school districts in New Jersey’s 21 counties. The Association’s mission is to ensure a superior statewide system of education. Through ongoing professional training and education, the Association shares knowledge among its members about best practices from both educational and administrative perspectives. Its goal is to move education forward by ensuring the highest quality of instruction for all New Jersey children. The Association is located at 920 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08618-5328. For more information -- PH: 609.599.2900 / Fax: 609.599.9359 / website: www.njasa.net.