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    Press Release

    Contact Anne H. Gallagher

    NJASA Director of Communications

    609-599-2900, ext. 126




    Sp Ed Admin of the Year

    Fourth from left, Dr. Arthur Freiman, Director of Pupil Services/Director of Special Education, Bergenfield Public School District, was selected the New Jersey Special Education Administrator of the Year by the New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA), the New Jersey Association of Pupil Services Administrators (NJAPSA), and the Centris Group/IEP Direct, an NJASA Titanium Sponsor. Joining Freiman at the awards ceremony during the General Session of the NJASA/NJAPSA Annual Spring Conference, in Atlantic City, are from left, Incoming NJASA Treasurer Dr. Antoinette Rath; NJASA Secretary Dr. Brian Zychowski; NJAPSA President Mitchell Badine; NJASA Allied Member Andrew Horelick, Vice President, Centris Group/IEP Direct; Bergenfield Chief Education Officer Dr. Michael Kuchar; and NJASA President Dr. Donna Van Horn. Missing from the photo is NJASA Special Education Committee Chair Lizabeth Buoro.



    Trenton, New Jersey, June 14, 2013....Dr. Arthur Freiman, Director of Pupil Services/Director of Special Education, Bergenfield Public School District, was selected the New Jersey Special Education Administrator of the Year by the New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA), the New Jersey Association of Pupil Services Administrators (NJAPSA), and Centris Group/IEP Direct, a Titanium Sponsor of NJASA.


    NJASA Titanium Sponsor Andrew Horelick, Vice President, Centris Group/IEP Direct, and one of the sponsors of this prestigious award said, “Art Freiman is an excellent role model for all aspiring special education administrators to emulate. He is a results-oriented administrator who continually strives to improve the quality of education for students with disabilities through his knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm.”


    This award, the first in the history of NJASA, NJAPSA, and Centris Group/IEP Direct, recognizes a special education administrator who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in providing services to students with special needs and whose work reflects the highest professional and ethical standards.


    Freiman, a graduate of Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, was instrumental in the integration of the child study team and guidance department to improve delivery of services to all students within the Bergenfield Public School District. His leadership provided the foundation for a paradigm shift that transformed the guidance department from focusing on scheduling to counseling.


    Certified by Legal One in all areas of school law, Freiman reduced the number of due process cases to “zero” in the last five years. He also worked tirelessly to get students with special needs included in general education classes and is now fighting to enable all teachers to maximize the power of new technology tools to customize teaching to address the individual learning needs of every child.


    A Teaneck resident, Freiman created an elementary school counseling program through the implementation of the USDOE Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Grant. He was influential with elevating expectations for all students through data-driven instruction resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of students participating in and succeeding in Advanced Placement Programs at Bergenfield. This success led to Bergenfield High School being named # 1 Most Improved School on New Jersey Monthly Magazine’s Top 100 List and being named to America's Promise Top 100 Communities in America for Children.


    Freiman is President of the Bergenfield Administrators Association and served as the Association’s Vice President. He is also an active member of the North Jersey Special Education Administrators Association and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. He serves as a member on the Principal and Teacher Evaluation Committee piloting new evaluation systems for the New Jersey Department of Education.


    In 2010, he was the recipient of the Paul Hoffmeister Inspiration Award from the Bergenfield Public Schools.


    The selection qualifications for the New Jersey Special Education Administrator of the Year include: dedication to students with disabilities and their families; demonstrated exemplary contributions to the field of special education; respected by colleagues for leadership qualities; demonstrated distinguished level of professional and ethical standards; knowledge of special education law; demonstrated leadership in special education process and improvement to enhance compliance and best-practices; demonstrated vision for the use of technology in education and program administration; active role in providing professional development for staff; and active role in professional organizations, regional groups and/or community affairs.



    About NJASA

    The New Jersey Association of School Administrators is an organization of chief education officers and school administrators who lead school districts in New Jersey’s 21 counties. The Association’s mission is to ensure a superior statewide system of education. Through ongoing professional training and education, the Association shares knowledge among its members about best practices from both educational and administrative perspectives. Its goal is to move education forward by ensuring the highest quality of instruction for all New Jersey children.


    Education Brief Videos

    Due to the complexity of educational topics, NJASA has released a series of videos to help parents and taxpayers better understand the issues. Each video can be accessed on a special NJASA YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/TheNJASA or by clicking on the YouTube icon on the NJASA website, www.njasa.net