• njasalogo
    Media Alert: For Immediate Release
    • Dr. Richard Bozza, executive director of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, is available to discuss proposed pension reform.

    Pension Reform is a ‘Two-Way Street’ Say School Administrators

    State must address its own financial commitment as well as cuts

    TRENTON, N.J. September 14, 2010 – Governor Christie’s proposed pension reform addresses budget cuts but not the state’s longstanding failure to fund the pension program, according to the New Jersey Association of School Administrators (NJASA).


    “We have to carefully consider the governor’s proposal,” said Richard Bozza, Ed.D., executive director of NJASA. “A proposal that requires workers to get less, and do more, also needs to address how the state is taking care of its responsibility.”


    As of 2009, the state’s pension system faced a $45.8 billion unfunded liability. The state has seven years in which to fully fund the system. Governor Christie skipped this year’s payment of $3.1 billion due to the budget crunch. Next year’s payment of $3.5 billion has not yet been budgeted.


    “Proposed pension reform puts the onus on state and local government workers and teachers, without shared responsibility from the state,” explained Dr. Bozza. “To truly move things forward, we need collaboration, not a top-down approach.”


    According to the Asbury Park Press[1], Governor Christie’s pension reform is said to include:

    • Cuts in pension payments;
    • Higher health benefit payments;
    • Discontinuation of annual cost-of-living increases;
    • Requirement to work 30 years instead of 25 to qualify for the program.

    Although in different ways, current and future retirees will be affected by proposed reforms.


    About NJASA

    The New Jersey Association of School Administrators is an organization of chief education officers and school administrators who lead school districts in New Jersey’s 21 counties. The association’s mission is to ensure a superior statewide system of education. Through ongoing professional training and education, the association shares knowledge among its members about best practices from both educational and administrative perspectives. Its goal is to move education forward by ensuring the highest quality of instruction for all New Jersey’s children.


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