Section 1 - The Executive Committee derives its power from and shall be responsible to the membership of the Association. It shall have the corporate responsibility for the Association. It shall be composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, 6 appointed members and the 26 elected members, one from each county and one from each of the five counties having the largest membership based on the county membership roll as of April 30 of a given year. In the event of a tie for fifth highest in the membership rolls, the county or counties so tied shall all be entitled to one additional Executive Committee member who shall be elected for a one-year term, and the Executive Committee will be enlarged, for that year only, by the appropriate number of members. By June 1 of each year, the President-Elect shall, after consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint from among the membership ranks 6 members-at-large, two of whom shall represent each of the northern, central and southern regions of the state, from the broad category “other than chief school administrator.” The appointment shall take effect July 1 of each year. The appointed members shall be voting members of the Executive Committee. The appointments shall be staggered for a two-year term. In the event that an appointed nonchief cannot fulfill a two-year term, another nonchief school administrator will be appointed to take his/her place for the duration of the appointment. No county shall be permitted more than two representatives on the Executive Committee, exclusive of officers and at-large members. The present appointment of three-year members of the Executive Committee, one from each county, shall continue as three-year terms. Seven counties shall hold election by the 30th day of May of a given year. An individual who is elected as an Executive Committee member shall be entitled to serve two full three-year terms, and up to one day less than one and one-half years of the unexpired term of a previous Executive Committee member. In the event that an Executive Committee member shall have served more than four and one-half years in that position, the Executive Committee member shall be ineligible to run for a second full three-year term. The identical rule shall apply to members of the Executive Committee elected on a yearly basis, in the event that a subsequent term would in any way provide them with more than six and one-half years continuous service. The Immediate Past President shall be an ex officio, voting member of the Executive Committee. In addition to other powers, the Committee shall:

    1. Receive and take appropriate action on the resolutions of the membership in accordance with the By-Laws,
    2. Authorize the appointment of special commissions and committees for investigations, research and other purposes,
    3. Adopt the policies for the operation of the Association,
    4. Act and speak for the Association membership,
    5. Adopt the annual budget of the Association by a two-thirds quorum or at least 26 members affirmative vote of the Executive Committee and submit such budget to the membership for review and comments,
    6. Modify dues prior to the adoption of the budget if necessary,
    7. Select an Executive Director and determine the term and conditions of employment,
    8. Establish all staff positions upon the recommendation of the Executive Director,
    9. Initiate amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws,
    10. Receive an act on the annual report of the Executive Director,
    11. Attend all Executive Committee meetings, or provide a responsible replacement. The Executive Director should be notified of such replacement,
    12. Report regularly to the NJASA membership affiliate in the county to inform its members of the progress of the Association,
    13. Request replacement by the NJASA membership affiliate in the county of its Executive Committee member for due cause,
    14. Conduct elections through NJASA Headquarters for NJASA Executive Committee member(s) after a nominations meeting open to all county NJASA members has been held according to the schedule and procedures contained in the NJASA Constitution or policies of whenever a vacancy occurs,
    15. Recommend that no fewer than two (2) meetings of the NJASA County Affiliate (fall and spring), are held annually at times and locations that are accessible and convenient for all NJASA members in each county,
    16. Encourage new and continued membership.
    17. Encourage all NJASA members from each county to participate in committee activities at both the state and county levels.
    18. After consultation with all NJASA members within a county, shall recommend to the President of NJASA, appointments to state Association committees.
    19. Participate in an annual evaluation of the work of the organization.
    20. Communicate to all NJASA members with a county the breadth of services afforded the membership by NJASA.
    21. Notify the Executive Director of membership concerns and problems occurring in the Executive Committee member’s county.
    22. Be sure that communications, publications and special reports are reaching all NJASA members in the county.
    23. Coordinate the activities of all NJASA committee members within the county in a manner which ensures high visibility of the committee member at county meetings, and further ensures complete reporting of committee activities.
    24. Communicate to the NJASA office positive accomplishments of local administrators in order that such accomplishments may be publicized to the general membership and public at large.
    25. Encourage member participation in all in-service programs, such as continuing education seminars, conferences and conventions.
    26. Notify NJASA of administrative vacancies in the Executive Committee member’s county and of new personnel when such vacancies are filled.
    27. Advise all Active Members in the Executive Committee member’s county that legal and advisory services are available from NJASA if difficulties arise.
    28. Take a leadership role in the legislative thrust of the Association.

    And may

    1. Adopt a code of ethical behavior for the profession of school administration,
    2. Establish procedures for conducting investigations and applying sanctions where a breach of ethics is proven. The ultimate sanction – denial of membership – may be applied for the most serious cases of unethical behavior.

    SECTION 2 – A majority roll call of the voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.